I'm sorry for those of you keeping tabs on me... I've been a bad blogger!
I'm sorry!
We have all been enjoying the summer here in sunny San Diego!
No for real... we've been busy... Unfortunately Mark's mom passed away a few short weeks ago. She hadn't been well for quite some time and though Mark had recently been able to visit her, it was tough when the time came. We all went to Syracuse for the funeral...
We've also had two rounds of company the past few weeks, still working on finishing up the house, getting Jake ready for school - I've been busy! I've missed my blog and posting pictures - so I'll try and catch up with the latest greatest (I'll try and spread 'em out over the next few days - so check back!)
Jake's first day at San Elijo Elementary - isn't he cute! (My Birds of Paradise bloomed finally!)

Matt recently got a new job at Guitar Center - which is right up his alley! He's taking the year off, as won't qualify for "in state" tuition till next fall (forget about out of state tuition!) - So that give him a year to save some money, and check out the Cal State schools.
We spent several days in Syracuse for the funeral - and though a sad and emotional trip, it was great seeing Mark's family again... We laughed, we cried, we drank margarita's!
The whole family hadn't been together in years, and it was fun to catch up with everyone and see all the nieces and nephews.
I know Marcia was smiling down!
Papa takes on the kids in a game of bocce ball.
Sean, Matt and Jake jammin' out on "Rock Band" (we are so getting this for Christmas, it's so much fun!)
Mark and his brother Jim
Mark's sister Cindy and daughter Kate.
Jim's daughters, Patrice and Jessica
John, Sean, Kate, Matt and Patrice
"The most important things in life are your friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude towards life. If you have these then you have everything." Author Unknown