The Oklahoma State Sugar Arts Show!
It's this weekend!
If you in in or around the Tulsa, OK area and are a cake enthusiast, a cake decorator, a bride or just a "foodie" in general - you must go the the OSSAS this weekend! It is the largest cake competition in the county and contestants come from all over and around the world! There are a multitude of categories for every level of cake decorator from kids to masters... and then there's the "wedding cake" competition. This brings out the best of the best! Each year there is a theme for the wedding cake competition... this year is "Language of Flowers". Personally, for me - a tough category! Last year was "Hollywood Glamour" - that's right up my ally! Cakes are judged on interpretation of theme, representation, technical difficulty, table decor, pretty much picked over with a fine tooth comb!!
Here's my piece from last years wedding cake competition - it was titled "Bell of the Ball". It was inspired by the dress Audrey Hepburn wore in the movie "My Fair Lady". I won a bronze!

"Bell of the Ball" Bronze winner OSSAS 2007

My cake though hard to tell in the photo, was entirely covered in lace (as was Audrey's dress). This took hours (days) to achieve! The top or dome, I thought would be representational of the umbrella she carried. These pieces were all hand cut and overpiped to give it the texture and impression of lace. Little sugar pearls gave it a little bling. I wanted the cake to look like a "dress", so I gave it a waistline with the concave cake at the top (these are dummies by the way, not real cake), and the bottom of the cake was flared out (as was her dress), with detail added to match the lace pattern on her dress. The black and white ribbon and bows, and pink roses were all hand done and made out of gumpaste. I still have the cake - it's in my garage! I unfotunately had to toss a lot of my cake dummies before the move, but I didn't have the heart to toss this one! We rode with it in our car from Texas to California!
I have my personal favorites to place this year - and I cannot wait to see the entries and the results from the competitions! I unfortunately can't make it this year - due to the move and timing, it just wasn't going to happen... Which I am sad about... But will not dwell on!
There's always next year!!
Good luck to all who've entered!!
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