Thursday, June 26, 2008

California or Bust!!

Well we made it! It wasn't easy... but we made it! What a crazy month it's been it's been! We (yes, "we", not a moving company!) packed up our house, and moved everything with PODS!... Stayed at "granny and grampa's for 10 days! (4 adults, 2 kids, and a 120# dog, in a 2 bedroom house!)... Matt's graduation ceremony ("YEAH Matt!!"), drove 1/2 way across the country in two cars... Matt's Jeep breaks down just outside Midland (see "Monahan's" pictures!)... but WE MADE IT!! It's been awhile since I've had a chance to update my blog, we just got internet access, and phone lines, etc., etc., and am almost done getting the house in some type of order - I HATE MOVING!! Here's a few pictures from recent weeks....
We're so proud of you Matt!! (You look like "Mr. T"!) Congratulations - you did it!

Cooper, Zoe, Jake and Taylor, chillin' out at Granny's house! (Taylor, is that a smile?!?!)

Jake was a trooper, riding on the roof...! Gas... $3.97 a gallon (you don't want to know what we're paying here!)

Matt's Jeep broke down in Monahan's Texas... about 50 miles West of Odessa! Not much here but the sand dunes and a Jeep dealership! I swear they were an oassis in the dessert!

(That's Matt out there!)

They're pretty... but I prefer my sand with some water! No water here!

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